Benefits of choosing a cast iron stove

Benefits of choosing a cast iron stove

Creating a cosy and beautiful home is often high on your priority list. There are so many things you can add to your home to make it stand out, from wall colour to décor and accessories – but if you’re looking to add a fireplace, selecting the right kind of log burner is something you should dedicate real time to.


If you are looking for a wood burning stove, a model to seriously consider would be a cast iron model – and we can tell you why!


Traditionally reliable

Stoves have been created for many years using cast iron; it is an extremely sturdy, strong, and durable material providing for years of use – the perfect wood burner material! Also, cast iron stoves are made up from a number of individual parts, should one part become damaged then it can easily be replaced further prolonging the life of the appliance.


The heat

When picking your perfect log burner, one of the key attributes you want it to have is significant heat production. A cast iron stove is a classic choice – they can heat the room they are in quickly whilst retaining the heat for longer than a steel model could. This leads to the heat being released over a longer time period (even after the stove has finished actively burning!) and distributing the heat throughout your home, not just in one area.



Cast iron stoves are also excellent when it comes to energy efficiency. Whilst you may not think of an open fireplace in this way, cast iron log burners are able to convert more of their fuel into heat thanks to their design, creating greater efficiency.



Another factor that many people are considering before investing in a wood burner is whether or not it is going to save them money. Whilst there is the initial expense of purchasing the stove in addition to the fuel costs – going forward, a cast iron stove will contribute to the heating of your home and should allow for you to reduce the use of other heating sources such as gas or electric, bringing down your general household bills! (Also a lifesaver if these sources are ever cut off in unpredictable winter weather!)

As a cast iron stove retains its heat for a long period of time, your fuel costs are reduced even further as you are simply putting less fuel into your stove over the course of the day!


Aesthetic appeal

Cast iron stoves come in a fantastic range of different designs and there will likely always be one out there to suit your home. From a more traditional look for a country cottage aesthetic, to a more modern living design – a cast iron stove can add a cosy appeal to any style of home or room you are going for.


As you can see, there are a wide variety of benefits to adding a cast iron stove to your home, from the practical to the aesthetic. Whatever your reason, a cast iron stove can bring years of comfort and enjoyment to your household and can truly make any house feel like a home. If you want to explore your own options, check out our range of cast iron stoves to find your perfect fit or get in touch! Send us an email at or give us a call on 01226 816 051 and we’ll be happy to help!


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