Here at Stove Supermarket, we understand that there is no such thing as "one offer suits all." Therefore, we have put together a list of multiple FREE STOVE OFFERS for you to choose from, available on most of our listed online stoves!

All you have to do is select which offer you'd like to receive on the stove's product page, complete your purchase, and we will then send you your free gift along with your new stove!

We are continually evolving our free stove offers, so keep an eye out for even more great deals in the not too distant future! In the meantime, if you have any questions about any of our free stove offers, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

Flue Pipe & Thermometer


Have a FREE metre of black enamel flue pipe and a Valiant Flue Pipe Thermometer on us! We will supply you with a metre length of flue pipe to suit the flue collar size of your new stove. The magnetic flue pipe thermometer displays the temperature of your flue, enabling you to maintain a safe and efficient operating temperature, helping to reduce your overall fuel consumption.

Stove Fan


How about a FREE 2 Blade Stove Fan worth £45? This fan will gently and silently move the hot air from around your stove into your room — rather than losing the rising heat to the ceiling, or up the chimney. With the My Stove Fan - Original 2 Blade Stove Fan you'll stay nice and toasty next to your new stove, and as an added bonus the extra hot air in your room will help lower your average fuel usage.